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What are the benefits of drinking coffee

Coffee is quite popular as a beverage in urban life. Coffee invigorates the body. There are also opposite results.

Coffee contains caffeine. According to a report by, according to health guidelines, 400 mg of caffeine can be taken daily if the body is too much. However, in addition to coffee, tea, chocolate and colorful soft drinks also contain caffeine. These are eaten all day without coffee. So all in all, the excess caffeine in the body is going away.

Sally Norton, a consultant surgeon and weight loss specialist at The Glenn Hospital Bristol in the USA, illustrates the disadvantages of taking caffeine.

Why is coffee bad for you?

Not good for the heart: Some studies have found that caffeine slows blood flow to the arteries that supply blood to the heart. Especially when you need more, such as: during exercise. Excess caffeine in the body is also responsible for palpitations, irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure.

Sleep Disorders: One thing many people know is that drinking tea or coffee reduces sleep. Studies have shown that people who drink more than three cups of coffee a day rarely get a good night's sleep. Another study found that coffee drinkers slept 79 minutes less than those who did not. So if you have trouble sleeping, do not say coffee.

Relatives with sugar: However, coffee with coffee, biscuits or breakfast contains sugar in many positions. All in all, maybe 11 tablespoons of sugar is being eaten throughout the day. So those who are trying to lose weight, their efforts will fail.

Bad for mood: Caffeine increases the levels of a hormone called adrenaline in the body. That is why the tension in the body increases the level of feeling of excitement or panic.

Inability to conceive: Drinking more than five cups of coffee daily can reduce the ability to conceive. If you want to be a mother, you must reduce the amount of coffee you eat. And skip coffee after pregnancy. This is because if 200 mg of caffeine enters the body daily, there is a possibility of harm to the fetus as well as birth defects.

Why coffee good for you?

Improving sports: Drinking caffeinated coffee gives life to sports. Although it increases the heart rate, coffee still creates excitement and excitement in the body. So drinking coffee before any game brings different energy to the body.

Increased mental energy: Studies have shown that during stress, 200 mg of caffeine in the body increases concentration. On the other hand, there is evidence that caffeine is a particularly beneficial substance in Alzheimer's disease.

 Reduces the risk of disease: With or without caffeine, any type of coffee reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Coffee also reduces the risk of some cancers.

Liver protection: Alcohol consumption and obesity increase the amount of fat deposits in the liver. Liver cirrhosis can be caused by pain as well as excess fat from the liver. Some studies have shown that caffeine sometimes plays an effective role in reducing liver or liver fat.

Feelings of joy: Honestly, the smell of coffee makes you feel much better. And if coffee falls in the stomach, it does not take much time to get rid of the sadness of the mind.

That's why a cup of coffee with friends is really great.

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